Now, I (Xuri Ge) am an Assistant Professor at the School of Artificial Intelligence, Shandong University (SDU), China.
Previously, I received my PhD at School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK in 2024 and a member of the GAIR-Lab in Information, Data and Analysis (IDA) group.
My principal supervisor is Prof. Joemon M Jose and second supervisor is Dr. Gerardo Aragon Camarasa.
I received my master's degree from Xiamen University in 2020. My advisors are Prof. Rongrong Ji and Minghui Shi. During my master, I worked in the Laboratory of MAC, Artificial Intelligence Department, School of Informatics, Xiamen University, China.
More recently, my main research attention in multimodal information retrieval, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing and Multimedia Sentiment Analysis, mainly including cross-modal retrieval, multimodal recommendation, facial action unit detection, image captioning, medical image analysis, etc.
I am actively seeking self-motivated Master students(MSC)/Research Assistants(RA) with a strong background in AI.
The research topics mainly include but are not limited to the following:
We will organize a The 1st EReL@MIR Workshop at The Web Conference 2025, WWW2025 (Sydney, Australia) on 28-29 April, 2025. All submissions about efficient MIR are welcome!
One paper is accepted by ACM TIST (IF=7.2)!!!
I am recognised as an Outstanding Reviewer for BMVC 2024!!!
One full paper is accepted by WSDM2025 (CCF-B) !!
We will organize a Reliable RAG Workshop at SIGIR-AP 2024 (Tokyo, Japan) on December 12, 2024. All submissions about RAG are welcome!
One full paper is accepted by BIBM2024 (CCF-B) !!
One full paper is accepted by ACM MM2024 (CCF-A) !!
One full paper is accepted by CIKM2024 !!
One paper is accepted by Journal of Electrical Systems !!
One full paper is accepted by ICPR2024 !!
Two full papers are accepted by SIGIR2024 !!
We are organizing a 3DMM Workshop at ICME2024 (Niagra Falls, Canada). All submissions about 3D multimedia are welcome!
One paper is accepted by ICME2024!
Our paper is accepted by IP&M!
Our paper is accepted by TIST!